Import from TDeweySettlerL102.ged

Gramps ID S0002
Publication information Copyright (c) 2020 .


    1. Dewye, John |p [I0008]
    1. Dewye, Elizabeth |p [I0009]
    1. Dewye, Ales |p [I0010]
    1. Dewye, Mawd |p [I0011]
    1. Dewye, Mawd |p [I0011]
    1. Dewy, John |p [I0012]
    1. Scot, Ann |p [I0013]
    1. Dewye, Thomas |p [I0014]
    1. Russell, Robert |p [I0015]
    1. Russell, Rychard |p [I0017]
    1. Coper, Dorythe |p [I0018]
    1. Russell, John |p [I0019]
    1. Russell, Henry |t [I0020]
    1. Russell, Elizabeth |p [I0021]
    1. Hawes, Constant |f [I0024]
    1. Dewe, Richard |p [I0026]
    1. Dewe, Alice |t [I0027]
    1. Mother, Thomas b1577 |a [I0028]
    1. Dewe?Dawe?Dewy, b1517 |a [I0029]
    1. Dewe, Thomas |t [I0030]
    1. Fennell, |t |t [I0031]
    1. Lucas, Em |t [I0032]
    1. Dewye, William |t [I0033]
    1. Cowlstans, Edith |p [I0034]
    1. Scott, John [I0035]
    1. Mother of Ann, Alice |a [I0036]
    1. Scott, Edmond |p [I0037]
    1. Moore, Father Of Thomas |a [I0039]
    1. Moore, Richard |p [I0040]
    1. Russell, Mary |p [I0041]
    1. Hyatt, Thomas |p [I0043]
    1. Family of Dewe (Dewye), Richard (Rici) |p and Mother, Thomas b1577 |a
      1. Dewe (Dewye), Richard (Rici) |p [I0006]
      2. Mother, Thomas b1577 |a [I0028]
    1. Family of Dewye, Thomas (Snr) |tf and Warham, Agnes |t
      1. Dewye, Thomas (Snr) |tf [I0001]
      2. Warham, Agnes |t [I0007]
    1. Family of Dewy, John |p and Scot, Ann |p
      1. Dewy, John |p [I0012]
      2. Scot, Ann |p [I0013]
    1. Family of Russell, Rychard |p and Coper, Dorythe |p
      1. Coper, Dorythe |p [I0018]
      2. Russell, Rychard |p [I0017]
    1. Family of Russell, Robert |p and Lucas, Em |t
      1. Lucas, Em |t [I0032]
      2. Russell, Robert |p [I0015]
    1. Family of Dewye, Thomas (The Settler) |fp and Clark Randell, Francis |f
      1. Clark Randell, Francis |f [I0022]
      2. Dewye, Thomas (The Settler) |fp [I0000]
    1. Family of Dewey, Thomas |f and Hawes, Constant |f
      1. Dewey, Thomas |f [I0023]
      2. Hawes, Constant |f [I0024]
    1. Family of Dewe?Dawe?Dewy, b1517 |a
      1. Dewe?Dawe?Dewy, b1517 |a [I0029]
    1. Family of Dewe, Richard |p and Fennell, |t |t
      1. Dewe, Richard |p [I0026]
      2. Fennell, |t |t [I0031]
    1. Family of Scott, John and Mother of Ann, Alice |a
      1. Mother of Ann, Alice |a [I0036]
      2. Scott, John [I0035]
    1. Family of Scott, Edmond |p and Dewye, Mawd |p
      1. Dewye, Mawd |p [I0011]
      2. Scott, Edmond |p [I0037]
    1. Family of Moore, Father Of Thomas |a
      1. Moore, Father Of Thomas |a [I0039]
    1. Family of Moore, Richard |p and Russell, Mary |p
      1. Moore, Richard |p [I0040]
      2. Russell, Mary |p [I0041]
    1. Family of Hyatt, Thomas |p and Russell, Elizabeth |p
      1. Hyatt, Thomas |p [I0043]
      2. Russell, Elizabeth |p [I0021]