DWarn Family Tree
Gramps ID |
S0062 |
Author |
David Warn |
Gale, Joseph |f
Dewey, Elizabeth |fD7
Dewey, Elizabeth |fD7
Gale, William Henry |f
Gale, William Henry |f
Dewey, Levi |f
Dewey, John |f
Dewey, John |f
Dewey, John |f
Dewey, John |f
Gale, Katura |f
Gale, Thirza |f
Gale, Mary |f
Gale, Daniel |f
Gale, David |cD7
Gale, Mary Ann |f
Gale, James |f
Gale, Elizabeth Jane |f
1861Cnss, clearly Alfred not Alland
Woods, Alfred |D3
Woods, Alfred |D3
From DWarn FT
Pepler, Eliza |fD3
Pepler, Eliza |fD3
Woods, Albert James |cD3
Woods, Alfred |D3
Gayton, Jessie Annie |fc
From DWarn FT
Tomkins, Daniel |f
Tomkins, Daniel |f
Willis, Frank |fc
Family of Willis, Frank |fc
Willis, Frank |fc
Willis, Ellen Mary |fcD5
Family of Elliott, Herbert H |fc and Willis, Ellen Mary |fcD5
Elliott, Herbert H |fc
Willis, Ellen Mary |fcD5
DWarns FT
Elliott, Herbert James |fD5
Elliott, Herbert James |fD5