This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
  <absent> 12
_ _ 14
A Adams 1
  Atmore 1
B Badder 3
  Bailey 1
  Baldry 1
  Barber 3
  Barker 1
  Barnes 1
  Barr 1
  Barrow 1
  Bath 1
  Baynton 1
  Beagley 3
  Beer 2
  Belam 2
  Bird 1
  Blackwell 1
  Blake 1
  Blewden 1
  Blundell 15
  Bond 2
  Bourner 1
  Bowman 8
  Brooks 20
  Brown 1
  Burgess 1
  Butts 2
C Campkin 31
  Carpenter 3
  Carr 2
  Cashum 1
  Cassem 2
  Cassum 3
  Chalk 2
  Chapman 1
  Chilcott 1
  Clifford 1
  Cockerill 1
  Coe 1
  Coleman 1
  Comber 1
  Cook 1
  Coombs 6
  Cooper 1
  Copleston 1
  Couchman 1
  Covill 1
  Cowel 2
  Craggs 1
  Crampton 1
  Cranham 2
  Craven 1
  Crouch 1
  Crowhurst 1
  Curtis 1
D Dann 2
  David James 1
  Davis 6
  Day 2
  Dayn 1
  Dent 1
  Dewey 62
  Dewy 2
  Dewye 4
  Divehall 3
  Dobson 1
  Downward 1
  Dummall 1
  Dunk 1
  Dunmall 1
  Durling 5
E East 1
  Easterby 1
  Elliott 2
  Eves 2
  Evitt 1
F Fleming 1
  Franks 1
G Gadd 2
  Gadd/Kennard 1
  Gale 13
  Gardiner 2
  Garrett 1
  Gaskin 1
  Gayton 1
  Gibson 3
  Gilbert 7
  Glide 1
  Godfrey 1
  Gooday 1
H Hagley 1
  Hale 1
  Hales 3
  Hall 1
  Handley 1
  Harden 1
  Harding 5
  Harker 1
  Harley 1
  Hartfield 6
  Hartrup 8
  Hartup 5
  Harvey 1
  Haskell 11
  Hawkins 2
  Hearn 1
  Hewitt 1
  Hill 1
  Hissey 1
  Hobbs 7
  Hoddinott 1
  Hollands 24
  Holt 1
  Horsenell 1
  Horsnail 1
  Hovell 1
  Hubbard 1
  Hudson 1
  Hughes 3
  Hussey 11
  Huzzey 1
  Hyland 1
I Ingram 1
J Jarvis 4
  Jenner 1
  Johnson 5
  Jones 20
  Justice 1
K Keable 5
  Kennard 4
  Kibbel 1
  Kibbel (Cable) 1
  Kibble 1
  King 1
  Kinkaid 1
  Kite 10
L Lane 7
  LaPlant 1
  Loft 1
  Lott 1
  Lovell 1
  Lucken 12
M Matthews 3
  May 1
  Mead 2
  Meddins 1
  Merton 2
  Middleton 1
  Mills 1
  Moore 2
N Naylor 1
  Niblett 1
  Nichols 1
  Nubury or Coles 1
O Oliver 7
P Paice 1
  Parker 3
  Partridge 1
  Pawley 3
  Pennell 5
  Pepler 1
  Phillippi 1
  Phillips 1
  Pierce 1
  Pointer 1
  Porter 1
  Potter 1
  Pound 2
  Price 2
  Pulling 2
Q Quinlan 1
R Raby 1
  Ranger 6
  Read 28
  Reed 2
  Reeves 2
  Relf 2
  Reynolds 1
  Rigden 1
  Roberts 1
  Roffee 1
  Roffey 10
  Ruck 1
  Russell 7
S Sainsbury 1
  Scot 1
  Scott 1
  Scudder 1
  Seager 1
  Seddon 1
  Simmonds 1
  Skinner 4
  Smith 4
  Soaden 1
  Spary 1
  Steel 21
  Still 55
  Stone 1
  Swan 1
T Taylor 3
  TBD 1
  Theobald 1
  Thompson 1
  Thrower 1
  Tiller 1
  Tilton 1
  Titt 1
  Tomkins 2
  Topp 1
  Toulson 1
  Tremearne 2
  Trowbridge 1
  Trower 1
  Trueman 16
  Truman 1
  Turner 3
  Twigg 1
V Venner 8
  Vickery 2
W Wackett 1
  Wade 2
  Wainwright 1
  Wales 1
  Wallace 2
  Walter 1
  Wansbury 1
  Warren 1
  Washer 1
  Waters 1
  Watts 2
  Wearat 2
  Web 1
  Weeden 2
  Weekes 1
  Wells 3
  West 1
  Whitehead 23
  Whittle 1
  Wilkins 3
  Willis 2
  Wills 1
  Woodgate 1
  Woods 7
  Wright 2
Z Zion 1