Beardsley-La Plant Tree

Gramps ID S0087
Author Stephanie Wolters


    1. Hussey, Matilda |fH3 [I7616]
    1. Belam, John T Kirkwood |fc [I1308]
    1. Belam, Dorothy |fH3 [I1310]
    1. Family of Belam, John T Kirkwood |fc and Hussey, Matilda |fH3
      1. Belam, John T Kirkwood |fc [I1308]
      2. Hussey, Matilda |fH3 [I7616]
    1. LaPlant, Leo |f [I1311]
    1. Family of LaPlant, Leo |f and Belam, Dorothy |fH3
      1. Belam, Dorothy |fH3 [I1310]
      2. LaPlant, Leo |f [I1311]
    1. Horsnail, George |f [I1420]
    1. Soaden, Sarah |f [I1421]