Trowbridge, Wilts

Gramps ID P0747


  1. Elliott, Herbert H |fc [I1215]
  2. Family of Elliott, Herbert H |fc and Willis, Ellen Mary |fcD5
    1. Elliott, Herbert H |fc [I1215]
    2. Willis, Ellen Mary |fcD5 [I1214]
  3. Family of Gale, John Joseph |fD7 and Raby, Ismay Louisa |f
    1. Gale, John Joseph |fD7 [I1198]
    2. Raby, Ismay Louisa |f [I1199]
  4. Gale, John Joseph |fD7 [I1198]
  5. Raby, Ismay Louisa |f [I1199]
  6. Willis, Ellen Mary |fcD5 [I1214]
  7. Willis, Frank |fc [I1213]